2024-2025 Registration Fees & Tuition Dues:
Registration Fee: $350 per child.
1/2 due at enrollment ($175), second half + First months tuition due by fist day of school ($175 + $360).
This covers the $100 registration/processing fee, $50 insurance fee, 2 background checks ($10) and the yearly supply fee.
Enrollment Fee is NON REFUNDABLE.
If enrolling after January 1st of the school year registration fee is $150. If you are unable to pay via a credit card online, please contact us for alternative payment forms. ​
3 Day - W-F Class Tuition: $360 per month.
***Refund Policy: Registration fees and the current month’s tuition are nonrefundable***
The prepaid last month’s tuition is refundable in the case a student withdraws. New students starting mid month receive a pro-rated tuition for that month.​
Fundraising at Little Feet is essential! Money from the school's fundraisers pays for basically everything other than teacher salaries, building rent, and other "fixed" expenses:
All classroom and facilities supplies
All-school events
School cleaning supplies
Parent education
Playground maintenance
Building repairs
Drinking water
Pet care
Field trips
Art supplies
$500 obligation over 2 fundraisers ($250 each)
Because the school is a cooperative, the success of the school is dependent on the active participation of all of the families enrolled in the school. As a result, each and every family is required to meet the following requirements:
Adhere to school policies, rules and regulations and the bylaws of the school as stated in the Parent Handbook. Every family is given a Handbook or can access it at the Little Feet private website. Details are reviewed yearly at the parent orientation where all questions can be answered.
Pay tuition and other fees on time (late fee will be assessed if not paid on time).
Attend all required all-parent meetings, approximately 3 per year.
Participate in the school housekeeping day.
Parent-teach according to the schedule.
Please arrive on time and stay until all duties are completed.
Approximate parent teaching requirements during full enrollment are 1 class (4 hours) per month for 2 day option, and approximately 1.5 classes (6 hours) per month for 3 day option.
If you are unable to parent-teach on your assigned day, it is your responsibility to find a replacement.
Note: siblings may not attend class when you are parent-teaching.
Participate in all fundraising projects.
Meet the expectations for your chosen role in the Co-op. The level of responsibility and time commitment varies for each job; most jobs average minutes to several hours per week. To view a sample list of family jobs and their respective time commitment, see the attachment document listed below.
Commit your child to regular school attendance.
Drop off and pick up child(ren) on time: 8:30am - 12:30pm​